Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Nayi zindagi, naye andaz

3-4 weeks ago I was finishing my days completely exhausted, whether or not I'd done the awful cross-Delhi commute. Impulsively (and it's slightly embarassing to admit to these impulses) I picked up a book called New Feminine Brain with a lot of hogwash about "gender brain" but a very useful detailing of mineral and herbal supplements whose addition to/absence in your diet affects you physically and emotionally.

Now for me supplements and multivitamins have been something my parents religiously pop into their mouths. I had also been warned by an aunt that if I take supplements "at this young age", I'd need that much more of them when I grow older.

I had been postponing visiting a doctor, trying to convince myself the fatigue was not serious enough, it would go away. Then I happened to discuss it with four vivacious women colleagues and, most marvellously, each of them was an expert - to some extent or the other - on nutritional supplements.

So I self-medicated. If you're reading this and plotting the next step, please do what I say, not what I do - go see a physician!

I'm right now on Chyavanprash, Vitamin B Complex, Calcium and Iron (whew!). I'm drinking milk and eating fruits regularly, and trying to overcome my habituated disaffection with exercise. And I'm feeling so much better. So much more able to do the day! Also - and I agree with Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz here - that matters on the "personal front" are pleasanter than they were then, during my days of severe back ache and limb-dragging exhaustion - is also gratifying.

Sadly, it looks like these supplements are with me for life. The toll urban living, unmindful living takes on you.


neha vish said...

At the risk of sound Feminist (what risk - I am.. might as well live with it!), women have a tendency to deny themselves good food. Something to do with the good natured denial of pleasure that is supposed to make us even more desirable! (hee hee)

All going well lady?

Unknown said...

Neha says "... women have a tendency to deny themselves good food."

Trust me - TWO LADIES around me and I can vouch for this one. But somebody tell me why do you'll do this? Life is all about good food, wine and living to the fullest. Monica, do you too deny food to yourself?

Anonymous said...

Mental happiness and contentment is the key to well being. And stress is a killer. Not that we can avoid it always. One of my friends had joined the Art Of Living courses last month. And I am amazed at the way she has been benefitted. At the risk of sounding prejudiced, I feel that she has actually turned a lot beautiful than I have seen her in years.

Ankur said...

exercise and chyawanprash is a great combination for oneself...with me,,,i forget both of them:-(